We are bringing Alice and her diary into the 21st Century and blogging about it! Below, I have linked an important section of the novel to which you will respond. You will be interacting personally with the text as well as with your classmates. Read all of the directions below and the excerpt carefully before clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of the post. Then, you will need to follow the posting directions to POST 4 TIMES. If you have questions, please ask BEFORE you make a mistake!
Part A:
You will complete both of these choices, you can decide which you would like to do first. You will be evaluated on your ability to discuss the novel in a productive and interesting manner.
1) You will respond to Alice's diary entry as if it were a letter to you and you are her pen pal. Write back to her and offer her your advice, criticism, encouragement, and friendship.
2) You will personally respond to Alice's diary entry in any way that you wish. Some prompts for your response might include:
This connects to my life because…
I wonder about…
I’m confused because…
I want to remember this because…
This is important because…
This is interesting because…
Part B:
For each time we blog in class you are to respond to at least two other classmates posts. These responses should be thoughtful and constructive. They should not say anything negative or anything that is not relevant to the text. Once again you will be evaluated on your ability to discuss and share your thoughts on the book.
50 points--CREATIVITY: Make sure that your responses are creative, thoughtful, and that you put a lot of time and effort into forming your blog posts. You will receive full credit if you put forth your full effort to formulate a unique and worthwhile post.
30 points--COMPREHENSION: Make sure that your blog posts reflect your understanding of the book. They should be creative, yet based off of what you get from your reading. You will receive full points if your posts reflect that you understand and are thinking about the novel.
10 points--APPEARANCE: Make sure your blog posts look wonderful and are something that you are proud to have published on the website. Write in full paragraphs and self-edit carefully. Put forth your best work.
10 points--RESPECT: Make sure you respond to your classmates with respect and care. Read their blog posts and respond in a thoughtful manner that shows you read what they wrote and are taking what they say into consideration. Converse respectfully with your classmates.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 215 of 215Dear Brianna,
I love how you said everything to Alice and how you said it. Good job.
Dear Christian D.,
Shes Not Going To Live Because Of Pot It Makes You Slow And Boring To Talk To I Wonder Why She Did It Oh Well Her Problem Not Ours Right.
Dear Christian,
I like how you said the effects of doing drugs. You're right, if she keeps this up, she will get messed up.
Your Friend,
Dylan AKA D-Nice
Dear Christian,
I like how you said the effects of doing drugs. She will get messed up if she keeps doing drugs.
Your Friend,
Dylan AKA D-Nice
Dear Vanessa G
I think that something is really wrong with Alice why don’t know what going on in that thing she call head maybe she don’t have one at all. How can’t you don’t know what happening in your life how can you run away from school and leave your mom don’t you that she everything that you need in this life
dear jenny,
I agree with you ,those people are not what you call friends. Friends don’t let you make bad choices. I think your advice was good. GOOD JOB!!
Dear, Lance
I agree with you she was a good girl .I do agree with you about all kids try drugs but she had no reason to start doing all of these drugs and get hooked on them
1) Alice I think you should be ashamed for even thinking you could be elated over this. I think you should be reporting those kids for drugging you. I don’t think you should have anything to do with kids like that, I mean are you insane! If you are going to hang out with people like that then I don’t think I can be friends with someone who is on drugs or associate. Not that I would ever do drugs or encourage drugs but the way you felt on drugs in unfortunately the best I’ve heard you feel in a long time, that’s sad alive very sad. I don’t think bill is a good guy for you at all. I feel you could do so much more with your life so Alice please get of the drugs. I don’t know if I should feel sorry for you, try to help you, or yell at you. For one you need to grow the “fudge” up. Also I can help you, I can help you report them and to not fall into the addiction before it’s too late. That’s all I have to Alice, bye.
2) I feel that what she does is wrong, but her attitude is good towards it. I think Alice knows that taking drugs is wrong but, that in her head she thinks that she’s strong enough not to do drugs. I feel that the way she described how she felt when the feeling the drugs reaction was very detailed and that she made it a little too positive for my liking or for any ones liking that is against drugs, like me. I know from what Alice has said that she is not strong enough to not continue to drugs, and really does not want to stop or resist either. I don’t feel this connects to me at all, I’m stronger then her. I wonder if maybe she wants to be dead. I hope she can change her life but I don’t think she will.
I don’t think you should have gone to that party because drugs led to many things. Like addiction & and death and you don’t want that. So stay positive and everything will be alright.
Dear kirsg, You are so right she did good leaving roger.But she tryes to get her life on track and other people mess it up for her. per presser sucks..
Dear Nathana B.I think the same thing.she is old enough to no drugs are bad.I mean she is not a kid.she needs to be a good influnince onhe little siblings. kids look up to her even if she don't no it.
Dear Al’lysha,
I think that your letter to Alice was a great word of advice and I think it really will helped her out and made her realized what she was doing or what she got her self into. You made a point to her that if she kept doing that then she would lose a good close friend an wont get it back. That was a really brave an hard thing to say to a bet friend.
- vee vee
Marla baybeee,
I like your comment to Al’lysha….mad perfect since.=)
Dear Jairus,
Hey Jairus I like your ideas and the way you expressed your feelings but your making it seem as if Alice took the drugs and she knew that she took them. This was all new to her when she was at Jill’s house. And the reason why she didn’t tell her parents and the rest of her family is because it was her first time doing it and she felt as if she wasn’t going to do it again. The reason why she didn’t know she was high was because she never did drug and this was her first time and she never knew how it felt. I think the only reason she went to Jill’s house for the party was because it seemed as if she was kind and plus she didn’t see her friends for a couple of months.
P.S. I like the part when you said “FYI you got the button.” Great job!
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