We are bringing Alice and her diary into the 21st Century and blogging about it! Below, I have linked an important section of the novel to which you will respond. You will be interacting personally with the text as well as with your classmates. Read all of the directions below and the excerpt carefully before clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of the post. Then, you will need to follow the posting directions to POST 4 TIMES. If you have questions, please ask BEFORE you make a mistake!
Part A:
You will complete both of these choices, you can decide which you would like to do first. You will be evaluated on your ability to discuss the novel in a productive and interesting manner.
1) You will respond to Alice's diary entry as if it were a letter to you and you are her pen pal. Write back to her and offer her your advice, criticism, encouragement, and friendship.
2) You will personally respond to Alice's diary entry in any way that you wish. Some prompts for your response might include:
This connects to my life because…
I wonder about…
I’m confused because…
I want to remember this because…
This is important because…
This is interesting because…
Part B:
For each time we blog in class you are to respond to at least two other classmates posts. These responses should be thoughtful and constructive. They should not say anything negative or anything that is not relevant to the text. Once again you will be evaluated on your ability to discuss and share your thoughts on the book.
50 points--CREATIVITY: Make sure that your responses are creative, thoughtful, and that you put a lot of time and effort into forming your blog posts. You will receive full credit if you put forth your full effort to formulate a unique and worthwhile post.
30 points--COMPREHENSION: Make sure that your blog posts reflect your understanding of the book. They should be creative, yet based off of what you get from your reading. You will receive full points if your posts reflect that you understand and are thinking about the novel.
10 points--APPEARANCE: Make sure your blog posts look wonderful and are something that you are proud to have published on the website. Write in full paragraphs and self-edit carefully. Put forth your best work.
10 points--RESPECT: Make sure you respond to your classmates with respect and care. Read their blog posts and respond in a thoughtful manner that shows you read what they wrote and are taking what they say into consideration. Converse respectfully with your classmates.
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»Dear Alice,
I think you should find some new friends because friends that do drugs are not cool. It is not cool to do drugs I think it is childish. People who do drugs turn out to have problems in the future. As your friend I am telling you how the people you hang around with are not your friends because friends don’t let friends do things that are harmful to them. Alice if you want to be successful you have to deal with times of pain. Only rich people get what they want easily. When your life gets tough you have to fight it out not join the crowd. Alice LSD has many affects that are not good, you will go crazy, have addictions, a money loss because of your addictions, and then you probably will overdose and die. I want the best for you and that means I have to try to help you. If you do not take my advice then I will have nothing else to say to you because you are a drug addict, and that is a bad friend and I do not need those problems around me. Adios amigo.
Your friend Mr. Manny F
Choice one.
Dear Alice,
What the heck is your problem?! It was a great experience?! Have you gone mad?! Why are you hanging with these people, why do you want to fit into a mold that society has created? You should enjoy life sober without drugs and without negative people around you. Get in to sports achieve for something you never thought possible. But don’t just do it because I said it, open up your eyes and see now that you’re worth something much more than what you’re proving yourself to be. Do it for yourself, your family who cares and loves you.
Alonzea C.
Dear Alice,
I can’t believe that you have turned to drugs. You were such a good girl before but now I don’t know what to think about you. I don’t really care that you used a drug this one time not the drug you used was the wrong one to try. I know this wasn’t your fault since you didn’t know what was happening at that moment but LSD is a very addictive drug. The drug LSD as you now know causes hallucinations which can also kill since everything you see is not what it seems. As long as you stay away from the drugs you will be ok, but at this moment your body will want more. As long as you don’t feed into your body’s desire you will be clean from the drug. Well I have to go tell me how you are doing in about a week.
Sincerely Lance W.
Dear Alice,
I recently read your letter about your experience at Jill’s house. You should not feel ashamed even though I can tell you do not feel that way. As you said in your letter it was not entirely you fault. They were the ones that put the LSD in the soda and gave it to you. For all you knew when they said “let’s play button, button, who’s got the button” that could of meant that there is someone with a button in the room and you have to find it. The experience did sound like a blast but it was also not good. Most drugs can harm you in many ways. For example all those “Swirling colors, great fields of reds, blues and yellows” is the LSD messing with the acids in your brain making it to where you think you see those colors. I am glad that you do not want to take any more drugs because most will eventually mess with your brain at this rate. Also it can make you think you are hearing, smelling and seeing things. Also I suggest you do not go anywhere near Jill and her friends because they will just get you into more drugs. Also please don't feel depressed and bored some people would kill to have a life like yours. Well I hope to hear from you soon.
Dakota Blunt
Part A :
Dear Alice,
You don’t know whether to feel ashamed or elated? I think you should feel ashamed. How could you do such as thing? How could you do something like that that hurts your body? How could you? Did you enjoy your time doing this, or did you just do it to fit in with a crowd of friends because you wanted to be down? So you said “ it was great, great, great “ it will not be so great, great, great when you’re running around like chicken with its head cut off . That stuff is bad for you, it can have you going nuts . So a game called Button, Button, Who's Got the Button ? I have never heard of that before. Maybe because is it a drug game. Alice, are you sure you’ll never do such a thing like this again? I know you’ve been having problems at your house, but that’s never a way to fix them. I also know that it wasn’t your fault it happened to you, but as your friend I’m trying to help you get it through your head, you said you felt free and you enjoyed it, was that the first time you have been happy in a long time ? Well Alice I gotta go, my mom’s coming and I’m supposed to be sleep. I want you to think about what I said. Think nice and hard. But ttyl call me sometimes so we can hang : )
- Love S.Williams
I wonder how she felt when that drug went into her body without her knowing. I’m confused because she thought they were poisoning here when they closed the curtains and everyone began to laugh since they were on an acid trip. I can kind of see why see would think so yet I believe if they were trying to poison her I don’t think they would make it that obvious. This is interesting since she becomes crazy for a slight moment before her acid trip.
Dear Alice
I think you should not be happy that you have taken drugs just because it makes you will good inside. Don’t mean there good for you that’s what all drugs are for they make you feel good. For a small period of time but after a while you will become addicted and that will. Be the only way you can feel good you should believe those freighting stories. You herd because they are all true if you continue you could. end up half in a home to get you off drugs for long periods of time ,brain head ,or dead which one will you choose because those. Are the only choices you will end up with if you continue to take drugs. So why not dare to be different and actually see if you can. Meet some on that can give you information about drugs or someone that actually took them at one. Time and here about their experience because I know when people say that they’re not going. to do drugs again or think about them any more they do it any ways because they get interested again because of the great feeling they received .I don’t want to lose another friend so please don’t take drugs unless this means nothing to you .
Your Friend
Nasear Walker
Dear, Alice
What in the world! That is the craziest thing I have ever heard! It sounds like you had a lot of fun though but I don't know Alice I don’t think you should be hanging around with those type of people. I mean something could have happened to you, you could have done something that you would of regretted doing! But it’s good to know that it wasn't your choice, that you didn't know that there was going to be LSD in your drink. Alice I am not telling you that you shouldn’t hang out with the people you are hanging out with but I am just telling you to be careful & make wise choices. You’re starting to scare me Alice, you’re telling me you enjoyed taking the drugs & if that’s so than most likely you will do it again, I’m really worried about you. I understand that you felt free & Enjoyed it & that’s great that you had a lot of fun & you experienced something new but just promise me that you won’t do it again you can get addicted & once you start you won’t be able to stop, this is what you’ll keep saying ” I won’t do it again” and “This is the last time I’ll do it“ but the truth is you will. Try to stay away from trouble & don’t do anything stupid! I know you will lol but just TRY not to! Okay I got to go now so I’ll write you some other time ttyl.
Dear Alice,
I have just finished your letter and I must say I am shocked. That makes me so angry. You know they are bad for you and you talk about how delightful they are. Sure you didn’t do it on purpose I forgive you for that but you shouldn’t be talking about it like your some kind of drug addict. You should not hang out with Jill peters anymore. I suggest that you call the cops and tell them all about what they did to you. Eventually if you take that stuff more it messes with you. You probably should go to the doctors and make sure you are not addicted. But on the bright side you did say that you would never do it again so I am happy for you on that part. So what I am at least recommending to you is please ‘ please, please move back in with your mom I am worried about you.
Your friend
Steve A.
Dear Alice, I can’t believe you tried LSD! It’s not necessarily the fact that you tried it, more of the fact that you liked it! If I were you I would stop hanging out with that social group immediately! I know they may seem like your friends and it may seem like they like you. But if they were the friends that you think that they are they would not have tricked you into drinking LSD! I know that you want to feel a certain way about life and the drugs make you feel good. But the side effects of LSD are very harsh you can stay crazy, addicted and reliable on drugs. I know you said you wouldn’t try it again but I think the feeling you had took over and I also think that you are going to keep drilling a hole into life for yourself. You need to make your own choices and decide whether you want to keep getting high or stop and try to change. Sincerely, Brianna R
Part A: 1
Dear Alice,
Have you lost your mind??? What is going on with you? You’re telling me you went to a party with your so called friend, they gave you LSD and you’re happy about it? Who are you? Do you know what happens to people who do drugs? I know it was your first time but sometimes Alice that’s all it takes. The thing that freaks me out is you’re happy about it. As a true friend Alice you need to get yourself together. I’m not saying that to be mean, you’re my friend and I care about what happens to you. And you say this Bill dude helped you and your “friend” Jill took you home and got you in bed. HELLO!!! What if there was no Jill to make sure you got home safe in bed. As you said you thought they were poisoning you, technically THEY DID!!! I really don’t get you right now. They drugged you and you’re glad about. Wake UP!!!
Vanessa G.
Personally I wonder if Alice would try to turn her life around or not. Sometimes I wonder why she likes taking the drugs. I know it’s because they make her feel free and see things she wouldn’t normally see. It’s important that she stops taking drugs and turns her life around. This is important because if she does not her family would not be proud of her likes she wants them to be and because if someone finds out she could get into serious trouble. Most importantly her heath would be defected. I get confused when she mentions that she would never do it again because she does and it happens multiple times I think she is confused and she really wants to be accepted by Jill and the other kids.
-Dear Alice,
~ I’m upset at the fact that they did that to you without telling you. Just from that one time of drugs can really get you addicted. I really do hope that you never try it again and that you never even think about doing drugs! If you do, I don’t know if I could accept you as a friend any more. But don’t get me wrong, I’m telling you this because you are my friend and that I’m always going to be here for you whenever you need something. Just don’t make me take back my word and our friendship! But now you know what this drug can do to you and you know the consequences. So I’m begging you, Alice please don’t do anymore drugs and don’t go to ANY more of Jill’s parties because next time something worse can happen and you will never know what will be going on. ~
-Yours Truly,
Al’Lysha W.
I’m very disappointed in Alice. She started off as a good girl. I know she had problems but everyone does. That doesn’t mean you should result into taking drugs. I’m confused because she kept saying that she wasn’t going to be taking and/or doing anymore drugs but yet again, she did! And it wasn’t like the first time she took drugs when she didn’t know, she actually knew what she was doing all the other times she took drugs. I think that she was only doing drugs because she wanted to fit in, she thought it would take away all her pain and her problems but it didn’t, it only made things worse. I’m hoping that she actually stick to her word and don’t do drugs. My prediction is that she won’t, and she will eventually begin to take drugs once again.
Dr. Manny F
I think it is not Alice’s fault for the first time she used LSD because she did not know. But it would be her fault if she decides to use acid again. She would be now known as a drug user and she would be stupid to use again. Even if she didn’t know after she known something was wrong with her system she should have left. It was on her if something would have happen to her. Her so called friend Jill is stupid because she can get into trouble for putting drugs into someone’s system. If something would have happen to her she also would have been in serious trouble. These kids should have been watched and should not be trusted. They are the reasons why people look at teens in a different way than before. They look at tens as if we can’t be trusted.
Choice # 1
My mutual friend Alice,
You should be smarter that drugs are no very good for your health. You need to tell your grandparents about this. You have got to know your town. Jill is very popular for one reason; drugs. Sure you found something “groovy” but you need to report this to the police. Drugs are not your life. Be better than them; focus on your school work and not the popularity. Bill is the male version of Jill. Don’t fall for a jerk like that. He and all of the other kids are just stupid. Be smart, walk away from them.
Choice two.
I think that Alice is going down a path of pure destruction. She should talk to her mom and father to get through her mistake NOW and not later. If she continues her actions it won’t be a mistake the problem would be her fault because she allows herself to continue to come in to contact with those people and those drugs that they bring with them. I think she is too confused with, what is wrong and pleasure.
Alonzea C.
Choice #2
I say that Alice is ignorant to her very own surroundings. She may have said the she is not going to take it again, but she promoted the drug as though it was heaven. She has the smarts to not do it again but Alice does not have the stamina to reject it. Alice is a little stupid to fall for Bill as she even went along with Jill to the party. Sure she fell for a trap of a party and took drugs but she shouldn’t brag about how joyful and exotic the drug LSD is. Alice needs to be a better person with self-earned self-esteem.
I honestly think that Alice is just being a teenager. She is just going through peer pressure and she think it’s cool to be with these kinds of people. I really don’t blame her because at this point she didn’t know she was going to take LSD, but then again, it seems like she would want to try it again even though she said she wouldn’t. I understand that she thought it was a really interesting experience but she should know that it is bad for her health and that it could kill her. She shouldn’t keep taking it because right now she feels depressed and feels like nobody is there beside her, like Roger, and if she kept taking it she would feel lonelier and would be rejected by those she love. She could get into a lot of trouble and even go to jail if she kept doing this. I really hope there is a good ending to this book, but somehow I doubt it. I think her parent might be mad and horrified if they knew about her taking drugs but I would hope for them to help her get through that and not abandon her at all.
Part B :
I think what Alice is doing is very badly . I believe if Alice was around to day to read the story we’re reading in class, she would probably be ashamed. So far in the story Alice had done so many things that she could go to jail for. She sold crack to little kids in elementary school, I couldn’t image selling crack, but really too little 8 years olds that’s like my little brothers and sisters. Somehow I can see why Alice does these things, she’s lonely and she’s always tries to fit in because she never had friends or anybody that cares about her other than her family. Alice is doing all of this just to make herself feel better, make herself forget about her life and how much she stresses.
If I knew somebody like Alice, I would try to help them as much as I could, because the way Alice is living is not so good. I think if Alice keeps going down the drug path, she will end up dead, and nobody would care because she never had a friend for her, just the way she is. Alice gave up on herself. I somehow feel bad for Alice in the story because if she is still alive today, I bet she regrets everything and she probably cries when she reads over this book .
My opinion of this excerpt is that she is exaggerating about her experience. I realize she needed a friend to be with while she is at her grandmother’s house. To be honest she needs to stay away from Jill for the fact that most drugs can badly hurt and destroy valuable parts of her body. I personally would not drink that soda especially since they said let’s play a game and then gave out the sodas. To me that sounds a little suspicious and I would not drink it. Also how would Alice know exactly what she was doing? She says she was dancing and trying to explain “Adam and Eve’s special language”she could have been just saying something weird or just going making weird grunting noises. And when she was dancing she could have just been jiggling or twitching. I guess I can kind of get why she did it. She was under peer pressure and was nervous. She did not understand what was going on and she was unaware of the fact that they do drugs. I kind of feel sorry for her because now she knows what it is like and might even be hooked on it. That is my opinion of this excerpt.
Part A: 2
I think is that Alice is very confused right now. The only thing that gets me is that she’s glad about everything that happened. I know for sure if some people I knew drugged me at a party, ‘Button, Button’ or no buttons I’d be furious. She doesn’t understand right from wrong. Well, actually she does but she likes it. She feels good that she’s rebelling against what she was brought up to be. She likes the fact she’s going against the ESTABLISHMENT .
Dear Alice,
I feel like you did what you did to fit in.. But I think you should’ve thought of yourself before you did drugs and having sex just to fit in. Alice what was going through your mind when everything was going down. Also I wouldn’t believe that you would stop doing drugs, do to you saying it once then you ended up doing it again.. I wish you would think about what you were doing as a punishment not reward to your behavior.
Dear Alice,
I think that it is wonderful that you have been having fun and feeling good about yourself. But I believe that you could have fun and feel better about yourself by doing other things. I can’t tell you what to do but I can give you some advice. I think that you should try other methods to have fun and feel good. Also you should not be hanging out with people who give you drugs and don’t even let you make the decision. You should just avoid doing drugs again, and stay away from those types of people.
I hope that you really consider what I have said and make the correct decisions. Remember everything that you have learned all these years about these types of things. I know that you know the consequences of drugs and that you are a good girl. I want you to keep doing the right things. You know that I love you and I want you to do well.
Your friend
I really think Alice is confused.. And just wanted friends and she was very alone but I really believed that if she wanted friends I would want them to be friends with me for who I am not for who I’m trying to be. I believe that she knew what she was doing was bad .But at the time she probably didn’t care and she should have .And when she probably read this book she probably would regret everything she did at her age.
Dear Alice,
How are you feeling? How did you’re first try at drugs go? I hope you don’t get addicted. But you should stay away from those people.
Doing drugs is very bad for you. Stay away from that dude Bill because he doesn’t care about you. How would your grandparents feel? If you get addicted to this stuuf bad things will happen.
So please, for your sake, and your family’s sake, don’t do drugs anymore. Well I hope you feel better, and say away from drugs. See ya!
Dear Alice.
You went to a party with the popular kids. You should know that something was going to happen. Popular kids and nerds equal “say what now”! Girl you know that you and her never really hanged out with. ACID. I know you did not know it had acid, but you liked it. That is so bad. You were all “goodie two shoes” before you started hanging out with Jill. You don’t need drugs to escape. I am here for you. You and I are like family. But now you experienced it and you may even become addicted, but I am here for you. I know parents don’t truly understand us teenagers at time. We want to experiment with different things. We are curious. We’re just kids so do not continue to use drugs? But if you do become addicted to drugs I will be there for you all the time. You are out of control. You and I need hang out so I can try to help you with this problem.
Dear Alice,
Hey Alice, I’m im glad that you had fun at the little party your so called friends had. But, I don’t like the fact that they had put that acid in your drink wit out letting you know before they did it. That girl Jill shouldn’t had did that. You’re only 15 years old. Like seriously doing drugs can really mess you up. Even though you didn’t know that they did it I can’t be upset with you. You think you ad fun and it was an amazing time being with they group of friends but, you have to think about what LSD can do to you. You should be happy it didn’t mess up your brain or something. You know how you was seeing thing, felt different and thought everything was beautiful ? well it could have been totally different. Being that you have seen the things they do when the group of friends get together, you shouldn’t hang out with them at all. By the way you’re saying that you tremendous, wonderful, and miraculous time I can see that its possible that you might try and do it again. But from friend to friend I think its best you keep your distance from that crowd. If you even think about doing it again. Think about what can happen if you trip on it major, you end up doing something you highly regret. Think about you future. You have a whole life ahead of you and in dont want you to mess that up.
Dear Alice,
You are going through a lot. I feel were you are coming from when u said it wasn’t your fault but you liked it. I think you should have told someone you didn’t feel good and u wanted to go home. But you didn’t really know what they were doing to you so you couldn’t do anything about it. Also I don’t think you should hang out with those kids any more. Even though they made you feel good about yourself they are not good for you. Also as me being your friend you should take my advice and tell someone like your mom or dad what happened so you could get it out of your head. I hope u take my advice and don’t try drugs any more even if you think you need it find something else to do instead of going back to drugs because they make you feel good about yourself. So if you get some time sit down and tell someone what happened that night and just let it and drugs go away from your life forever. Hope you get better and stay away from drugs.
Your friend nakim
I think that Alice doesn’t have very good friends. I think this because a good friend wouldn’t have you do something bad, like taking drugs. I think it’s even worse that they didn’t even warn her that 10/14 drinks had LSD in them. I think that after this all of her parents hard work has gone to waste because after you start using drugs it is very hard to get out of them.
Dear Alice,
I really do understand what you mean by you fill like you fit in. I know I was so happy when I found people that I fit in with. I was happy because I knew I wouldn’t be alone that much anymore. So I know it’s a good feeling that you finely fit in with some people but WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING???!!! Just because your friends or the people you are hanging with are doing drugs. That doesn’t mean that you have to and you shouldn’t. Believe me if they are making or giving you drugs then they aren’t really the people. That you want to be with and they really aren’t the kind of people you need in your life. So try to be careful and look out for yourself because I know your mom and dad would be really upset if they found out.
Dear Alice
I just wanted to tell you that you should feel ashamed that you used drugs but the drugs in the coke bottle game button button who has the button. I think that it was mostly their fault cause they basically drugged you and they could’ve raped you while you where drugged. But the sad thing is that these are the people who the popular people in school when you were not and now all of a sudden they want to talk to you and hang out with you. Don’t you think that’s kind of weird that now they find interest in you?
Hope you think better
And don’t do drugs
Any more
Christian Daniels
Dear Alice,
Thank you for being so honest. I see you have some problems. Like you said you know drugs are bad, but I do not like what you said “you felt free.” Why because by the way of saying it “you said I felt free”, let’s keep it real that’s not you. I wish I was there so I can help you; I’m going to be very honest you need to talk about it with someone. You are going to feel much better because you don’t have to be hiding from yourself. Oh let me tell you about your crazy friend’s they’re only messing with you, yea I know you going to be like you don’t know then this and that but listen. A real friend don’t want to mess you up, they supposed to help you not take you down. I hope you listen to my advice I only want you to ok.
Sincerely your friend:Gabriel M
Dear Alice,
I wish I could say that I know what you are going through, and that I could be more helpful to you in this situation…. But I can’t. Although I can tell you that you’re taking the wrong path in life and if you don’t already regret some of the choices you’ve made with your life than I promise you that you’ll regret those bad choices later on in life.
You are my friend and I care about you very much and I know that your family does as well and we are all extremely worried about you and your brother Tim and sister Alexandra miss you. You’re obviously not thinking about the bad example that you’re setting for them or anybodies feelings except your own.
PLEASE for the sake of your own health and well being as well as your families stop using the drugs that you’re using and direct your attitude and attention toward school and work
Jesse David
P.S…. I look forward to seeing you again/Please write back
Dear Alice,
Hello Alice. How are you today I was just sending you this message to talk about how are relationship as friends could be and how we can progress and talk about more things in this relationship as friends I want to talk about more things to talk about I would like to ask you how are you able to do all these things without telling your parents and how your drug abuse and how you can get help with that. What else I would like to talk about Alice is how you are able to change your life from something your friends rely on if you like it and your friends hate it just go with it and don’t hang out with those friends any more.
Dear Alice,
I think you should never try that again because once you do it again you won’t be able to stop. You shouldn’t be glad that they did that to you because you never know that you could get hooked onto it. I been through the same thing my aunt barb smoked and she died because she got emphysema. I think you should tell roger about everything that happened at the party you went to and what happened with bill Thompson. I think you should tell your mom about everything that happened in your life when you were at your grandmother’s house during the summer. Doing drugs not a good thing good because if you do try smoking you wouldn’t be able to quit and you could die and I know that you probley don’t want to die ever.
Sincerely Alicia Euson
Dear Alice
I think you need somebody too talk to about what you are doing.
Kids like you this days are cutting up in durgs just because they thing no body paying attention to them so the only way you are doing what you doing now because you are thinking that you need to be like something you are not. Taking acid is very bad thing as your friend I should tell you what you are doing is a very bad thing to do because I bit when your parent found out about what you are doing I think is going be very bad for you. You need to be the way you were when I first might. When you took acid did you really think you first you probably think that you was on top of the world let me just tell you
Dear Alice, March 25
I’m glad you are having a wonderful…..time I understand that your happy and having a good time doing what you are doing or have been doing…but I think that you doing acid is definitely not a good thing that you should be doing at your age…or any age in that matter.!You can easily get addicted and QUICK!!!...An easily destroy ya life...If that’s what you want do then go ahead and ruin your family friends…And ya future for that matter…Weren’t you scared when you had no idea what was going on? Personally I think I would have been terrified…But honestly I think you should be ashamed of yourself. I just think that you should quite drugs why you’re not so addicted to them and push them outta your life all at once so you don’t get too caught up in them now and screw up you education! But even thou your doing all of this all ready…Your still my BEST friend and its going to stay that way no matter what happens in the future.
You’re Friend,
I want to remember this because this may help watch who I let do stuff for me. Also because I don’t want to be like alice and want to keep trying drugs over and over again. Also I want to because this is the part of the book were it get interesting. But mostly so I would be more cautious of what I drink and who I drink with. Also I think alice loved the way she felt when she was on drugs and it made her feel perfect.
This connects to my life because my best friend tried to get me to smoke but I’m not going to do that because if I ever did I would get in big trouble with my dad. It also connects to my life because my parents are going to be getting a divorce but I don’t want them to. I wonder about when you know that your boyfriend actually loves you. I wonder about when you know that my parents are actually going to get a divorce because they been fighting a lot lately and was talking about getting an divorce right in front of me and I don’t even want my parents to get a divorce but sometimes it happens and if they do get a divorce I’m going to live with my mom.
I think you should ditch all problems and tell roger the truth and make sure it never happens again. Start by trying to get your life back on track by tell roger the truth, then maybe go to rehab , and most important get back in school because education is key and drugs will get you nowhere. I know drugs make feel good but drugs have consequences like jail, addiction , and even death . I know you don’t want to die but keep doing this it might happen and I would hate for something bad to happen to you. I trust you will do the right thing .
Alice you are stupid for takin drugs its so stupid that you think that they are good and fun but when your teeth start rotting out of you’re skull .All drugs are terrible for you, you should have just stayed at you’re house for the summer . Also it’s dumb that you think that you’re sooooooooooooo cool so when you die just remember I warned you
Girl I Want To tell you that Lsd Is Lame You Need To Stay Away From Your Little So Called Friends This Is Just Plain Wrong I Dont Beleive This stuff You Need To Stay At Your Grandma's House Where Its Safe.
Dear Alice,
OMG! I can’t believe you use drugs. Not just any drugs though, Acid. Do your mom know? Do your dad know? Do Tim and Alex know? Do Gran and Gramps know? Like omg! Do Roger know or have you seen him since you’ve been there. I bet he will want you now. If yall ain’t together 24 hours a day then you must not have seen each other. Do you still love him. How didn’t you know you were high. It’s kinda obvious the colors weren’t there when you first came in. Your not a dog so there is no way in heck that your senses are that strong. How would you even agreed to go to Jill’s party she never invited you to a party before. Common freakin sense. Use ya mind next time. FYI YOU GOT THE BUTTON.
Peace, Love and Joy
Dear Alice,
I know you have some problems to deal with but I can’t do anything about it sorry but you need some help. I know we tight but if u don’t stop using that acid I don’t think we can be friends. I don’t want a friend on drugs. I’m sorry its either me or the drugs d[*_*]b
Dear Alice,
OMG! I can’t believe you use drugs. Not just any drugs though, Acid. Do your mom know? Do your dad know? Do Tim and Alex know? Do Gran and Gramps know? Like omg! Do Roger know or have you seen him since you’ve been there. I bet he will want you now. If yall ain’t together 24 hours a day then you must not have seen each other. Do you still love him. How didn’t you know you were high. It’s kinda obvious the colors weren’t there when you first came in. Your not a dog so there is no way in heck that your senses are that strong. How would you even agreed to go to Jill’s party she never invited you to a party before. Common freakin sense. Use ya mind next time. FYI YOU GOT THE BUTTON.
Peace, Love and Joy
Go ask Alice Dear Alice, Sup Alice, im so mad at your new friends for putting the acid in you coke. Really. How did they know that you wanted to try it? It’s a possibility that you would had passed up playing the game if the drugs were involved. In your letter you say it was wonderful. Yeah, maybe you felt wonderful but, you don’t know what could had happened to you. Your still young and doing drugs is not the way to go at all. you should just find some new friends to hang out with wheather you think that the game was cool or even the group of friends that you were at the party with.
I never had did acid before so maybe the way you are excited is what the drugs have you feeling. I have been around people that did drugs and they ended up liking it and started using them on the regular basis. That’s not anything to be proud of at all. now they cant stop and they are addicted. If you decide to keep using them that can happen to you and your brain can also get messed up really bad. You can end up hurting your self or someone that’s around you while you are tripping off of them. Did you stop to think about all of the negative out comes that could had happen off just that one trip? Of I were you I would had.
Im confused about if those are your real friends or not, becuz if they were they should have asked you before doing that or at least warned you about what was in the drinks and not waited til after the fact to tell you what really they were doing. But then again they probably thought you were like the rest of them and didn’t mind. I will never know because I wouldn’t dare to be around people that does things like that. Its just no acceptable if you asked me. I would had went off on them forreal. I being me I would had wanted to go crazy on them after I found out they had put the LSD into cokes that I would be drinking. Well that’s all that I have to say so talk to you whenever. <33 hugsz/kissesx
Dear Alice,
What are you thinking trying and doing all these types of drugs! Gosh if your parents found out what u were doing they would kill you. I feel bad for your younger siblings because if they find any of that in your room or around the house and the get into it….who’s to blame. You're way out of control. What if your parents found the drugs! They already think your dressing like a hippie. I’m sorry to tell you this but I don’t think we can be friends anymore! I can’t take this…..goodbye!
Alice is just being a teen she just wants to fit in so yeah she’s going to hang with a group of people. That aren’t the right people for her but she’s only with them because she feels like she fits in. I mean who hasn’t hanged out with a group of people that wasn’t right but stayed with them because they just kind of fitted in. yeah she’s a good girl but she’s just a little lost for now and she’s just going to keep doing what she can to fit in. no one wants to be alone when they are a teen and they’ll just do anything to get people to like them
I think Alice is better than that! If I was her honestly I would be a little curious, but I wouldn’t try it. When her parents find out, that girl you’re in deep doo doo. They are going to be so disappointed. She is such a smart girl, and she had a future ahead of her. Now if she don’t get off the drugs college just will not happen. Like she is a lot like most girl’s these days. But you know what I say “curiosity killed the cat”.
I think Alice will become a druggie. I think this is an important entry because it shows Alice’s start into becoming an addict. I wonder why she would love doing drugs one second and refuse to do them right after that. This relates to me because I have gone through drugs before. I won’t do them again. I hope she doesn’t become and addict.
I think Alice is a good person who just got lost. Every kid likes to experiment with things. I think she wanted to be cool. She followed the people she thought was cool. She just wanted friends.
I think she new what she was doing. She knew right from rong
This is interesting because Alice says she wants to quite using drugs but yet she is still doing them…And I’m wondering about what she will do next…will she quite them fully or keep using them an get caught up in all the problems and drama that follow up with using drugs…and if she will be able to face all the consequences that will become of using these drugs…or will she use even more to cope with what is going to be happing next.
I’m confused because your life was not that bad and you’ve always had a family that cared about you so why did you turn to drugs? Also you had Roger to talk to and express your feelings to.
i think wat alice did was wrong because drugs wiil effect the rest of your life and when you get older your lungs are gonna be bad
This is interesting because Alice says she wants to quite using drugs but yet she is still doing them…And I’m wondering about what she will do next…will she quite them fully or keep using them an get caught up in all the problems and drama that follow up with using drugs…and if she will be able to face all the consequences that will become of using these drugs…or will she use even more to cope with what is going to be happing next.
Dear Alice,
This is your buddy Jonah. What were you thinking? I know you got a brain .Its like you went with somebody you don’t now to a party you don’t know what they could have done to you at the party. Sometime you got to think of things that are possible and things that aren’t. All I’m saying is that next time play more smart and stop acting like your life was horrible when really it was good before all of these drugs you started to take. Like come now chill out. Don’t get me wrong people do accept you the way you are and the person you are turning to and seriously you need to cut down on some of those drugs. Other wise you are going to end up in the ground dead witch you definitely do not want cause you told us that you were scared of dieing well I hate to say this but you will end up 6 feet under.
My opinion on this writer ‘’Alice’’ is that she definitely needs some help cause who gose from a clean girl in always to a person who is making bad chioces. No matter what people are going to accept her the way she is but the way she changes really is not cool at all.
dear alice, i think that your expierence in no way should be thought of as good. i feel that you need to get away from those "friends of yous and tell um all to F off. I personally believe you should report them but i highly doubt you will. iether way doing drugs, thinking about drugs, or hanging with people who do drugs is very bad. i dint care if oyu liked or hated the feeling you had, you cant do drugs it will kill you. so with this being siad i hop[e you think before you act and write me agian. your friend,
nathan B
choice 2
i feel that alice's life is so F'd up now. i feel that she is letting her life go down hill because she has no will power and shes very naive. i dont feel i connect to her at all and i think she realy needs to take a real look at her self and get some help. if she keeps up with the way she is going she will be dead!
Dear Alice
Hey Alice I really miss you a lot. I cant believe you did drugs. It doesn’t seem like you would do something thing like that. And it seems like you are childish about what happen to you the other day, if that happened to me I would have been scared and really mad at Jill because she was suppose to be a friend and she basically stomped on you and spit in your face. I really think you should tell your parents about what happened last night. I know they may be mad but at least they know what happened. And you are being stupid if you think you had a miraculous and wonderful night you basically been played by your friends and made a fool of your self.
Dear Alice
I think that you should be a little less excited about doing drugs. In the end it will ruin you. You are so naïve to the situation that you try to fix it to be in your favor. I cannot condone what you are doing. I understand that you are not happy but that is not the way to get away from it. There are lots of ways to get rid of stress like talking to someone. Maybe therapy would do you some good before it escalates into something that will eventually hurt you or someone else. I cannot tell you that I know what you are going through because I do not but I do know that it is not good to zone out on drugs. I wish you the best and hope tat you realize I am trying to be your friend and not your enemy I just want you to know how I truthfully feel.
I am confused because it seems Alice is excited about what happened. and she not even going to tell your parents about what happens. Then she is waiting for Jill to call the next day so she can hang out. I think she is out her mind about the whole situation. And I wouldn’t consider Jill a friend no more and I would really tell her about her self because that was rude to do to Alice because she haven’t seen her in a couple of months and then she is going to do her dirty. She is not a true friend and she should really tell her parents what happened because that is her health and she doesn’t know what can happen after
I think that Alice should really talk to someone because she obviously has problems. I fell that she really is depressed and that she needs someone to talk to that will listen and not judge her. Maybe her parents could lighten up a little bit because they make her feel unloved I do not think they do it on purpose but they do it. Alice feels like she cannot talk to her parents with out them judging her and that is not a good thing. A child should feel that they can trust their parents and be able to be themselves around their family especially their parents.
Dear Alice,
Hey Alice how has it been lately? I heard about you taking drugs. How could you do such a thing? I don’t want to write sounding like your mother or nothing like that because you probably don’t want to hear it right now or maybe even later. But you know I care about you like you’re a sister to me and I don’t want you to do something that later you will regret. Do you know what that stuff can do to you? It can really make you sick or even worst you could die off of this stuff. I have known people in life that has got really sick or have died from taking drugs. What makes you think that you are any better than them? What influence you? Who influenced you? I just hope that you will not try it again because in my opinion what you’re doing know is dumb, it’s not smart at all. I’m not calling you dumb or stupid I just think you are making some very bad decision. I never thought that you out of all people would do something like this. I just want to ask you a question. Is what you doing worth dying for? TTYL
I do really care about
you and your health.
Love always,
I do agree with what you are saying Manny in your letter. The reason I say this is all of her friends so far have gotten her in trouble. All but one and that was Beth and she was the best influence on her but now they’re not friends anymore for some small reason.
Sincerely Lance W.
Dear, Alice
Are you sure you’re never going to try it again? From the way you’re saying this, you sound like you had the best time of your life. I heard LSD can make you crazy. I hope you don’t do it again. But I’m glad you had a fun time though. It sounds really fun. I could understand it wasn’t you’re fault and it wasn’t you’re choice to do it. Now you don’t have to feel bad about it. It’s messed up how they didn’t tell you though. Are you sure these are the right people you should be hanging out with? Doesn’t seem like it. I think you should be careful. Good thing nothing bad happened to you that day because it would’ve been their fault. I don’t know, seems pretty scary how they just put up LSD on your coke without letting you know. It’s kind of like an old man drugging a little girl. I don’t think you should trust these people. I can’t tell you what to do. It’s your life, you’re decisions, all I can tell you is to not trust any of these people. A friend wouldn’t have let this happen. But I can say Jill was a good friend by watching over you. But how do you know she won’t pressure you to do any other drugs? You know what people say about them. Their addicting .Hopefully you won’t try anymore and turn out to be an addict because if you’re 15 how do you think you’ll turn out when you’re 30? Hopefully you’ll make the right decisions.
You’re friend,
Jenice C.
Dear Alice,
It’s a good thing you plan on stopping because you never know what drugs can do to you. They are very dangerous. I think you are right about not blaming yourself because they did it to you without you knowing so it not your fault. The only way it would be your fault is if you knew it was in the drink and still chose to play the game. My advice to you is to be cautious around the other group of kids. Make sure that if you do go around them be prepared. Don’t let the drugs pull you into their trap. Let your heart make the choices and not your brain think of all the people you would be hurting. Think of how your future would be if they found out you were doing drugs. A lot of people would not want anything to do with or for you. Doing drugs leads to being in a casket and I know you don’t want that because I know you want to grow old and be a mother and at least a grandmother. One day if you do have grand children I know you want to live to see their tiny little faces.
Love ya,
Antoinesha .S.
p.s. not trying to be mean I’m just trying to help out your like family to me
In my opinion I think that Alice is making a very dumb/ stupid decision. Why would she want to do something that can harm her body or even worst kill her? What is she thinking inside her head? She says it feel good and I know that she goes to a special place w1hen she does it. But personality I think that she still should stop doing what she is doing. I would never do anything like that in my life because if I do I would be addicted to it and I think that it is not worth my life at all.
I had many different opinions of this “GO ASK ALICE” excerpt. One of those opinions that I had was that I felt that she should have kind of got the hint when they said “button, button who has the button.” I mean they aren’t kids and there are no buttons so I mean she should have been able to put two and two together. Anyway I don’t think she should be this happy and exhilarated. This is my opinion on this excerpt.
Dear Alonzea C,
(Choice One)
I agree with you on everything you said. I really do think that she needs to open her eyes to see that she’s worth more than what she thinks she could be. My opinion is that she does need to make new friend and hang around a positive crowd. Getting into sports may really help her overcome her addiction. This might help her because she will be doing something productive with herself and it will keep her mind off drugs. She just needs to realize that life without drugs is possible she just haves to believe in it!
Al’Lysha W.
I think Alice is wrong and right for what she’s doing. She’s not the one who chose to do drugs in the first place. Her friend put LSD on her coke. The LSD made her feel amazing and if it made her feel amazing? Who wouldn’t do it again? I think drugs are dangerous but I could understand why she’s doing them, they made her feel good. I don’t think she should go to drugs to face her problems though because sooner or later it’s not going to be easy to stop. I think doing these drugs will give Alice Big lessons in life. Lessons she will learn from. I think she was stupid for doing speed because that’s a needle through her skin I think that’s dangerous. It creep’s me out. I don’t think she should be doing every single drug that’s being introduced to her. I think that’s just crazy. The drugs will change who she is as a character and it most likely will change her appearance. At first I thought Alice would only try ONE drug and I would think it was okay since it was one time and it would be an past experience for her when she got older because then she won’t have to wonder so much about how taking drugs feel but she’s trying too many and I think sooner or later she’ll be addicted to them will need to get help.
Dear Alice,
I think what you did was an experience I know you would want to try again but don’t be dumb enough to actually do it. Even as a teenager I know there’s a lot I want to “experiment” on, but even I know you know that drugs is not one of those “experiments” that I want to try. I would’ve never thought that someone as unique as you, would even think about trying drugs.
I’m glad that you didn’t have “intensions” on trying it on your own, but as your home girl, I’m not ‘gonna let you do any more wrong decisions. If you even think about having the urge to try any LSD’s again, you come to me because I’mma help you and set you on the right path. With all that you’ve been through, drugs is just another way out but a bad way into something you can’t get out of on your own.
Well I hope you can make the right decisions and decide which path you are supposed to be leading to.
I’ll ttyl.
Your bestie,
To Steve,
I read your blog about “Go Ask Alice”. I liked how you acted like a true friend and wanted her to stop what she was doing. It seemed like you were harsh but in a concerning and sincere way. It seemed like you took the assignment seriously and really put yourself into the situation given. Good job on this assignment and keep up the good work.
Dakota Blunt
My Perspective
What I think about this is that she did the wrong thing. Not only did she say she was to stop but she didn’t try to enforce it among herself. Even though you said you weren’t going to do it again you need to force yourself to the fullest to not do it because any drug whether you want to be or not will have you addicted the first time. Even though it was your first time taking LSD it could be your last time to live because of taking LSD. Always think twice about taking drugs.
Yours Truly
Antoinesha Smith
I agree with you Anthony on your letter. I think you could have written your small letter much better than it is. You forgot to put some periods in your sentences but for now the letter is completely agreeable at this moment.
Sincerely Lance W.
In my mind I think Alice made the wrong decision. From me reading Alice’s diary entry, she needs to get her head on straight. Why would she want to try LSD’s? Did she know you can try drugs one time and be addicted to it for as long as you live? People or young ladies she and I don’t need drugs to help our problems. This world is loosing many young kids, teenagers, young adults and regular adults to drugs. We, as “kids of the future” need to stop using drugs and stop selling drugs to people because now you’re not only hurting and killing yourself, your killing the world.
Think about what I’m saying , and look forward into STOPPING the spread of addictions of drugs.
Victoria Stokes
I think that the advice that you gave Alice was very down to earth. I am glad that you spoke to her in terms that she could understand. I think that you are a very good doctor if you really are a doctor but keep up the good work.
Your Choice #2 is good. You express yourself quite freely for Alice’s actions. You’re right about having Alice to report her “friends” to the police. She does need to keep complete and fulfilling promises. She needs more will-power.
Dear Alice,
You should be ashamed about what you did because it is not right to take drugs. Drugs are addicting and you will get hooked on them after the first try. I hope that don’t happen to you because then all you will do is take them over and over again. You won’t stop taking them. LSD is really bad and even know you didn’t know you took them you should be disappointed. I hope this don’t mess up your life. Next time you are asked to one of them parties you should just say no and walk away. So how are things with Roger?? Are you still in love him or not? He seemed like a nice guy. But the main point is don’t go to them parties and stay away from them!! Well hope you write me back.
Kyle Fuller
i think that Jessie's letter was amazing, it really showed a different side of him that is not usually showed. GREAT JOB!!!
Dear, Alice
How can you be sure that you won’t ever do it again? You did say that you like the way that it made you feel so how can you be really sure? Plus if you have heard all different kinds of bad stories about drugs then why did you take them? You said it felt tremendous and wonderful, you said it was that most incredible experience of your life. Maybe you should find some new people to hang out with because the one that you’re with now will just get you into trouble. The person that said he would watch you and make sure that nothing happened to you, what if he turned he back and you got hurt? Did you even think about what might have happened if he did? I’m not saying all this just to criticize you so I hope you’re not taking it that way, because I’m just trying to tell you that what you did is wrong, and I hope you don’t think about doing it again. I hope you do listen and think about what I’m saying.
Your friend,
Paige W.
I think that Alice is making all the wrong choices, I don’t think that she really under stands what the drugs can do to her .Plus the entry from the book frustrated me a little because she said the she has heard many different stories about drugs and she did it anyway. Alice says that she has all of these different problems and that she feels depressed but instead of talking about them to someone she thinks it would be better to turn to drugs. I think that she needs to learn how to talk to people about her problem even if she doesn’t want to, because if she did she probably wouldn’t even be on drug s and wouldn’t have even more problems to worry about.
Jesse,oh my gosh...you're so smart and I never knew you could be that sensitive towards Alice!♥ Good job on giving advice. Next time I'm goin to come to you for advice.
your friend
Torii tori
Dear, Brianna R
I think your response to Alice letter was very nice. I agree with everything you said. I was also psyched at the fact that she enjoyed it. I mean your friends tricked you into trying LSD you should be mad and NEVER talk to them again, but noooo she had a great time. I think your comment was informative and it’s great advice.
-Vanessa G.
Dear Jenny,
I Agree With Your Comment about Alice going to Jill’s party And having Lsd. I was glad as well knowing it was not her fault taking the drug. I agree that Alice is starting to scare most of us as she is falling deeper into drugs and hanging out with people trying to get her to use the drugs. Even Though she had a good time doing it it’s not good for her at all! She says she will not use the drug again, but I think that the addiction will over power her and her life is going to keep going down hill. Sincerely, Brianna.R
Dear Rosa,
I agree with you 100%. Even Though Alice is feeling good while on drugs she should understand that it is bad for her. She believes that nothing else could make her feel this way. She is still young and needs to experience new things besides drugs. She should find something she is good at and likes to do. Then maybe she will stick to it and have something positive to look forward to.
Brianna Your Grandmama
Dear Lorraine m.
I think that you were stereotyping people and that is not right at all. YOU should know that NOT ALL POPULAR PEOPLE DO NOT DO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Other than that you did a good job with telling her that what she did was wrong and that she needs to change her ways. Thank you for your participation in saving Alice.
PS. You are a great therapist
Dear Finnean,
I liked your post a lot (choice 2). I completely agree with you. I also feel that she was ignorant and that she was promoting this drug to herself and to others. I do on the other hand feel that it was a honest mistake and not just stupidity. Otherwise I do agree with you Finnean and I fell this was a great opion.
Good job Finnean !! From Nate
Dear Dr. Manny,
I think You’re the funniest ever!!! I think that your right about Alice needing new friends though. She was taken advantage of by not knowing about the LSD in her drink, but saying that it was the greatest experience is just crazy!
Alonzea C.
I’m really confused by how she is don’t know what she is going to do now. She said is the “lucky one”. How is she the lucky one when she took the ones with the LSD. That is not good, she should have said I’m not the lucky ones who didn’t have the coke with the LSD. I don’t understand why she feels so great when the after affect is worse. When that wears out you will feel the way you did before you took them in the beginning. Now she must see that was a bad decision and should not do them again because she saw what happened after. That is not good all and she needs to not do them again.
Dear Lance,
I like how you wrote your letter to Alice from “Go Ask Alice”. It was very creative and it was not harsh to Alice like most others. I like how you just told her what would happen if you keep doing drugs and more information about the one she took. You were actually kind of kind to her by saying that it was alright to have tried it without knowing but at the same time you were serious by saying that LSD is an addictive and dangerous drug. To be honest I thought you did a great job and you should keep writing the way you do.
Dakota Blunt
I do see where you are coming from Briana in your response. I also wonder the same things that you do such as if she likes to take the drugs on purpose. I don’t know why she would try to fit in with Jill and the rest of her drug taking friends. Maybe Alice is just as confused as we think she is at this moment then again drugs will mess with both your mind, body, and even spirit especially in Alice’s case.
Sincerely Lance W.
Dear Jesse,
I never knew you were so sensitive or so smart. You give good advice. I would have never been the type to go all Dr.Phil on somebody. GET IT!!!!!!!
Ya Friend ,
Antoinesha Smith
Dear Alonzea,
I think that you could have sounded a little nicer then you did. But maybe what you said would get something through her head or something because she needs help. But I think you were right at the same time. NICE!!!
Dear, Mr. Dr. Manny F
I think your comment on Alice diary is very blunt. I thought it was kind of harsh with the “overdose and die” part. But I respect it, you’re just telling the truth.
Dear Dr.Manny F,
(Choice One)
I totally agree with you. She really does need new friends. Maybe making new friends that are a positive influence on her can help her realize that drugs are bad. I feel that she needs to take your advice because it’s great advice. I love that you told her the real deal and was very truthful and honest with her.
Al’Lysha W.
Dear Brianna R.
I totally agree with you that it is important for Alice to stop using drugs. Even though she said she wasn’t going to use them again, we all know she will, I mean, she did say that she liked it and all, right? She should stop using them because, like you said, her family will not be very proud of her for doing that and she can get into a lot of trouble. I also agree that she might be doing this just to fit in and be “cool”.
Love, Thalia
Dear Finn,
I 100% agree with what you are saying. She should just come clean and tell her grandparents. Maybe her grandparents will not give her a huge punishment because she just told them the truth. She should not for Bill because he is just a druggy and she is better than that. Alice should of just told the police because maybe this wouldn’t keep going on. She probley wouldn’t keep taking them.
Your friend,
Dear Alicia e.
I love your honesty and I can relate to because my parents have already gotten a divorce. I think that if you could relate to someone they will listen to you more and ask how you got through it. Keep up the good work.
Dear Lucas,
I completely disagree with you. I don’t feel Alice is a good kid at all. I think a good kid does not want to experiment with drugs because they’re smart enough to know the consequences of their actions. The only thing I agree with is that she wanted friends and was willing to do anything to get them.
Your friend Nate
Dear Alonzea,
I just recently read your blog about pretending to be her friend and addressing her diary entry. It was straight to the point in short. I like how you were harsh but concerned at the same time. I only wish that it was a little bit longer so you could put more of your opinion in it. I like how it was just straight to the point and got you pumped up and I could tell where you are getting this from. Good job and keep up the good work.
Dakota Blunt
Part A: 2
I’m sorry; I can’t condone Alice’s drug use. She said she was glad she was one of the ‘lucky ones’, which is somewhat understandable, but still… She was not to blame in the fact that she took it though. When Alice was on her trip, she may have had a wonderful time, but it wasn’t a good thing to do. I personally wouldn’t have drank the soda since they were playing button, button, and she had no idea what kind of ‘button’ it was. In hindsight, she should have asked what the ‘button’ was. I hope she can get out of that group of friends, and is sensible enough to stay completely away from drugs, or help the kids from the party get away from them.
Dear Jade p,
I really disagree with you. I think you’re taking it the wrong way Alice really doesn’t know she had LSD in her drinks, so it wasn’t her fault. And I don’t think her parent would kill her because you saw how they keep letting her back in her home like if nothing happened. And I think you are being a little harsh on her because it not like if she made herself take the drugs, it was just one drug made her do the rest because she wanted to feel different ways. And it wasn’t mainly her fault because her peers gave drug to like Chris, Richie, and others. No ofense I just don’t agree with you but I like the part when you said about her siblings getting into her drugs. Other than that I really like your ideas.
Jesse ?
Where did that come from? You don’t talk like that! Haha.
But that’s a good response to Alice.
Love, Thalia.
Dear Professor Brit Brit,
I Agree to your comment On Lorrain’s comment It is not smart to stereotype people because there popular. Not all popular people do drugs some are really nice and are absolutely against drugs and that’s what makes them popular sometimes.
Brianna R
I totally understand where you are coming from Alonzea c. Your letter was so out there in a good way. It is really a straight forward letter.This is what think about your letter too alice.
Dear Alonzea,
you are so mean even though I agree with you I think you could have put it in a nicer way.
Dear Alonzea,
I agree with you 100%. She needs to be sober and get into something that she won’t be tamed to take them or even go near them. She needs to be a good role model and show her parents, brother, and sister that she can be a good person and that she can be responsible. Good response, I like it.
Your friend,
You keep saying that Alice “fits in” with the people that fit in. In a way it is for fitting in and not. Alice stays with them not just to hang out but to find a stress reliever. You need to sometimes see it from her point of view. There is a deeper meaning in her words of her diary, but nice interpretation of her journal diary.
Dear , TOwens
I think your comment was very caring. I think it was nice because you weren’t really judging her as in saying negative things like “what’s wrong with you” or “she’s NUTS”, I like that.
Dear, Nakim w
I agree with your letter. I like how you didn’t yell at Alice and you sounded calm about it and understanding.
Dear Lysha,
The paragraph was so honest I loved it. You didn’t blame her for what wasn’t her fault but you still told her that if she did again on her own then there will be consequences for that action.
Alonzea C.
Dear Jesse
I think that you gave a very good response and that you should talk more like that in real life no offense. You talk good in person but you sound very educated in this writing piece. You could talk like you did in this writing piece in person. Keep up the good work and show us more of this wonderful educated person.
Dear Jesse,
This was the sweetest out of every ones. I love it!
Alonzea C.
Dear Nathan.
I disagree with what you said to Lucas about his decision. Alice is a good girl it was not her fault that she started drugs. Before she went to the party she didn’t know that she was going to be introduced to drugs, I think that if she did she would have never went in the first place. But now she is addicted to the drugs and she can’t help herself.
Dear Tyler,
I don’t think anyone could condone what Alice does or has done. I also feel that no matter how good the feeling is, that the effect is so not worth it. I don’t know if I would agree that she should have asked what the button was because she really didn’t care and that’s outside of the idea of the game, Its post to be a surprise. Otherwise I agree with you, your comment Rocks
From Nate,
No, no, no.
I disagree with you on some parts. She did not know right from wrong because if she did then she wouldn’t have went to parties or used drugs. & “she got lost”?? what do you mean by that? Yes, every kid likes to experiment new things but drugs though? Everyone knows it drugs are bad for you. & NO SHE DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING! But besides all that, She IS a good person.
Love, Thalia.
Dear Tyler,
I don’t think anyone could condone what Alice does or has done. I also feel that no matter how good the feeling is, that the effect is so not worth it. I don’t know if I would agree that she should have asked what the button was because she really didn’t care and that’s outside of the idea of the game, Its post to be a surprise. Otherwise I agree with you, your comment Rocks
From Nate,
Dear Tyler,
I don’t think anyone could condone what Alice does or has done. I also feel that no matter how good the feeling is, that the effect is so not worth it. I don’t know if I would agree that she should have asked what the button was because she really didn’t care and that’s outside of the idea of the game, Its post to be a surprise. Otherwise I agree with you, your comment Rocks
From Nate,
Dear Torii Tor,
your letter to alice wasn't to mean but you told her stuff like you really cared.Ahhhhh you so sweet.
Dear, Jesse
Your response to Alice diary was like soooo amazing. I think it was very sincere and I believe she’ll like it. You did a very good job.
-Vanessa G.
Dear Dylan,
Good point about staying away from Bill because he probley just wants to get in her paints. Nice job with making her feel that it was wrong and it’s a no no and she needs to stop. It’s good that you were looking out for her and family.
Your Best friend,
Age of the Fro hawk(Kyle.f)
Dear Jade p,
I think you are being a little harsh on Alice. She did not know there was going to be LSD in her drink. I believe she went to the party to have fun, she is just being a teenager.Don’t be so harsh on her.People make mistakes right? And Teenage girls tend to be curious. It’s good to experience new things in life.I am not saying that it is okay to take drugs, but however the fact that she did not know that it was in her drink I would say it’s okay but just don’t do it again.It might have been hard for her to say no the second time because she was perhaps feeling pressured, drugs was a new thing to her and the first time she tried drugs she liked it so I understand. From what I have read so far, Alice is a very caring person she really cares about her family. I think you shouldn’t just look at the drug part of the story and start to notice not the little things but the big things like what Alice really cared about and how she felt.
Love, Jenny
I really like your letter to Alice. I like how you said you’re there for her. I agree with you when you said teenagers are curious and are going to want to experiment with different things.I like how you offered her to help even if she continued to do drugs.
Dear Finnean,
Your letter was short and to the point, and that point was a good point. I completely agree that she should tell her grandparents and the police about the kids’ drug use. Getting to know her town would really help too. But did you have to go as far as calling the kids from the party stupid? I think they are just confused adolescents, finding a way to fit in.
Hey Vanessa hows it going. Just wanted to say your writing was wonderful. Seriously it was wonderful. Like seriously it was great like I am so serious steam is coming out of my ears and my eyes are popping out of my head.
PS.lol you are seriously a wise person
Hey Vanessa hows it going. Just wanted to say your writing was wonderful. Seriously it was wonderful. Like seriously it was great like I am so serious steam is coming out of my ears and my eyes are popping out of my head.
PS.lol you are seriously a wise person
I think your being a bit dramatic. I know it’s bad but I think you’re overreacting and besides Alice Is just a teenager and she didn’t know the LSD was in her drink. I think you need to get it together.
Hey girl you just chilling. I think that your comment was totally great and totally awesome and like totally greatness. You greatness is falling out of your ears and it is great and totally wonderful.
PS. Stay totally great
Dear Alonzea C.
This was the Best ever! I think you gave good advice, and you showed you cared but also disappointed in what she did!
Alonzea C.
Dear Thalia,
I agree that she is just being a teenager because mostly all teenagers try drugs for some odd reason. And that she does want to keep doing it even know she said she doesn’t want to. Every teenager says that after trying drugs, It’s just how we work in our minds. Your point is very good and honest.
Your friend,
Dear Lucas,
I disagree with you because she didn’t know what she was doing. But I agree with “right from wrong” so she should have done something about it.
Hey alonzea sorry I didn’t put your name earlier
Thank You Dj kota!
Alonzea C.
Dear Dakota,
Your letter was full of great advice for Alice. I agree that she should stay away from those kids. She should be grateful for her nice life, like you said. She is right with trying to stay away from drugs, and not take them again. Also, like you said, she should have asked what button, button was.
Its okay Professor Brit Brit! love,
Alonzea C.
Dear Chaddy,
I disagree with your thoughts but I respect your thoughts. I do not think you’re a good friend.Why would you just give up on Alice? A friend doesn’t do that to a friend what is wrong with you? I thought you were supposed to give Alice advice. She didn’t know the LSD was going to be in her drink. Don’t be so harsh on Alice. She is a Caring person and she loves her family. Family is one of the most important things to her, Open your eyes.....
Dear, professor brit brit ,
Thank you for the comment but I think you should check your vocabulary. Repeating words you know? “PROFESSOR”
Dear Alice,
How are you today? when you first started drugs how did it feel. I understand that when you did drugs that it made you feel good about your self and help you concentrate but you really don’t need drugs to make you feel like your self. I heard that you almost got pregnant lucky you got your period and congratulations. Your lucky to have a good friend like me to give you some good advice
Dear Chaddy,
I think that is ok that you don’t want to hang out with people who are on drugs and do bad stuff but I also think that you should be a little bit more supportive towards Alice and try to help her.
Rosa H.
Dr. Manny F,i agree with your comment i think your right about alice
jenice c. i liked how u told alice she needs to slow down with the drugs
D-nice, I think wat u said was okay but actually ask about her experience with drugs I thought that was wrong. If u comment mine be honest with what I said.
Christian Daniels
Dear Jenice,
That is so true about LSD. She did not know that there was LSD in the cola. I loved that you wrote a lot and you really did care about her feelings. You did not blow her spot. I liked that you talked about drugs. You were mature about it.
Dear Lance,
I Very Much Agree With Your Letter.She Was A Good Girl. She Had Me Confused To Because It Went From Her Being Scared To Her Laughing And Having A Ball. And She Should Stay Away From LSD. It Would Also Kill Some Of Your Little Brain Cells That You Have Left.
dr. manny f yo u shouldn't attack alice like that u should explain it to her not yell at her like
Jenny c. I agree wid yuh one hundred percent. Your right. Something really could have happened her . she shouldn’t had been around those ppl for real man .
Dear Jesse, I agree with you she wasn’t doing any drugs..Until she started hanging out with bill and he introduced you into them drugs.. I m sad it became part of your life but it can also be the past.. but you just keep turning back on the drugs after you have stopped you should stop hanging with the people you hang with
Keondra .w
Dear Jemarla AKA Marla,
Very good post Marla. It’s nice how you stated how she may have felt good, but the drugs were doing no good. I like it how you encouraged her that drugs are not what to do and how she should stop when she is young. I also like how you got serious with her and told her that she really needs to stop or else she will become really messed up. Also, I like how you said you would get mad at her friends if they did that to you. Great job Jemarla!
Your Friend,
Dylan AKA D-Nice
brianna R i like the way u explained lsd to alice
Dear ThaliaC. , i don't agree with you at all i feel she have been extremely punished
Dear Brianna R.
I totally agree with you it is important for alice to stop using drugs. Even tho she said she wasn’t gonna use them we all know that she is gonna use them again but hey if she wants to go down that road it's better if she finds out what the consequences are
Dear Jairus,
I understand why you are asking her these questions and I think she will think about them and possibly change the way she acts.
Dear lanceW, i agree with you all the way she needed to be punished
Dear Brianna,
I also agree with your point of view. Good friends wouldn’t make you use drugs unwillingly. And that she should stop using drugs, maybe that way she will be accepted by the right group of friends.
P.S. tnx 4 da comment
Rosa H. Granddaughter
Dear Lucas,
She did get lost in drugs because of the people she hangs out with. You and I both know she used to be all goodie two shoes, but now she turned to a life of drugs, and illegal activities. She did think she would be cooler. But she needs to learn more about life before she will understand DRUGS. : ) see you lucas!!!
jenny c i like that u told alice how u felt.
Dear jairus
You are type nose what made you ask all of those questions .But I do understand were u are coming from. I do agree that with about your opinion.
Dear Alice,
You should not be using all of those drugs because they will destroy your body and mind.
In the future I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t do drugs because you get so high and I feel like it’s ruining our friendship.
One of the consequences of your action could get you killed.
Sincerely your friend,
Charles Webster
Al'Lysha W . [choice two] Girl, I really agree with you, she shouldn’t had fed into the drugs and kept on using them because, all that did was get her addicted to them even more. I was also disappointed in Alice. Your not the only one.YES , she did know what she was doing when she decided to do the drugs AGAIN. UGH ! she was getting me so frustrated with her
I think you’re right about alice becoming a druggie and it’s not the coolest thing to say but the facts point to her doing that so good job and well done.
Dear Alice,
This does connect somewhat with my life. My cousin was a drug addict he went to rehab twice. This was only two years ago. Even though rehab is supposed to cure you or at least help you out it didn’t work for him not even a bit. Though he did get through it wasn’t because of anyone’s help. Although you can say that it was. This guy who used to smoke with him just one day ended up missing. Guess where he was. He was in a gutter. The guy was high and one time that he was high he left his house and was stupid enough to drive. He ended up in a gutter. So since that day he had changed he saw what had happened to his friend and he didn’t want that happening to him. So Alice what is wrong with you how can my cousin have had such a hard time and he got through it but you can’t? Your life is easy no one is hard on you except for your parents so why don’t you just stop everything that our doing already? Get a life.
With regards,
Dear Rosa,
I liked your letter a lot. It’s cool how you told her that she could have fun without drugs. I like how you told her to stay away from her friends, because I agree with that. I think if she were real, she would listen to your advice. Sweet job!
Dylan AKA D-Nice
dear, Lorraine
no offence but it is her own decision and she wanted to experiment something and try something new you cannot say she’s going to be in deep doo doo I know a friend who did the same thing and of course she got caught by her fathers best friend and her father bff told him so he was waiting for her to get home and her to come right out with it and so she did and she felt better after it to @ least tell someone about it plus if you were paying attention she did tell her parent\its about her doing drugs it takes time to let things out that you did that you know it was not the right thing to do but anyways what I’m saying is that giver her a break every kid explores something in their little lives$
from chilly belly!!!!!
Dear Kyle,
Yo I So Agree With you She’s all Like She’s The Lucky One Yea The Lucky One For The Coke Drank, The Lucky One For Running Away, The Lucky One For Heroin Yea That's It Though Good Job
I feel bad that your cousin went through drug issues just like alice and I think that it’s awesome that he got through the tuff times and became clean off of drugs
alonzea c it seemed like u were mad at alice
Dear Donnisha, I liked your response to Alice…. Because...i wonder all the same things...why is she doing drugs...why is she having sex...why is she doing those things that’s hurting her body and killing her in the inside to do...But she’s just probably doing it to keep her feelings inside but that’s not good and don’t know why she’s keeping it inside..!!!
Dear Shamira
I can say I very much agree with what you are saying to Alice right now just because she think that she don’t fit goes not mean she got to do what she are doing at this point in her life .
Shamara I think that you say it all already selling to kids that just in 4th grade she should ashamed of her not fitting self I really think that she knew what was going on in her miserable life .
I know that acid felt real good when you first take it but now it has make you really what you are not
Fix up your life
I don’t think you should have gone to that party because drugs led to many things. Like addiction & and death and you don’t want that. So stay positive and everything will be alright.
Dear D-Nice,
I agree with what you said and she should not be putting herself around people who are involved in drugs.
Shamira , [part A] Yea, Alice should be ashamed of her self , honestly . she is old enough to know better than to do the drugs. I understand the 1st time because he didn’t know . But the other times that she decided to do it she couldn’t blame anyone but her self . She was explaining things like it was all good to do the drugs and she was proud of it . little do she know is that at a point in time all the drugs she’s doing will back fire on her and she might get a bad trip. She is so naïve. I swear she is. She makes me mad. She is my age and I even know better than to do things that would harm me.
Dear Kyle,
She does think she is the "lucky one". But she really isn't "the lucky one"..... She ran away, did drugs, and has a lousy life sooo she will not be "the lucky one' ever. Peace out Kyle!
dear nakim w., i don't agree with your comment at all she should have been put in a nut house
Dear jenny thank u 4 the comment I disagree with you!!!!!!!!! In your comment you were being 2 nice lil girl
Dear D-nice
What up d-nice?I agree with you a hundred percent .She should not be friends with somebody that is a bad example for your self.
Dear Vanessa G.,
Yo Go Girl You Right I Agree With You If They Drugged Me They Would Had To Deal With My Hands And My Feet Everybody Butt Would Had Been Beat Up Speak The Truth
dear chellybelly, i agree with you i ♥ ur comment
Dear Alice,
Alice are you okay? I wish you feel better than you currently do. Your life seems horrible if there were anyway that I could help I would. Or I would at least try to help you out. Try to get some help buddy. I really do hope that you feel better and I wish u a good life.
With my regards,
I wondered what the heck was she thinking when she chose do drugs.
I was confused because she seems like such a smart person.
This is important because her life is at state.
This is stupid because she could have been getting good grades instead she chose to do drugs.
Dear Jesse
It’s a very nice letter. It’s nice that you actually said the bad example that you putting for your brother and sister. There was a part that you said I’m you friend very nice, and all that’s stuff about school.
Dear Action Jackson,
I like how you told Alice that she seriously need to stay away from drugs. I would listen to you if you told me that. Great job Jackson!
Dylan AKA D-Nice
Dear nathen
I really agree to what you are saying to Alice really nice writing
Love Abby form life
Dear D-Nice,
I agree with you 110%. She should not hang with people that are a bad influence.
Hey Lance,
I agree with what you said she really should be punished.
Dear D-Nice
I Think That She Is Going To Hook Up With Someone And She Gets Hooked Up On It. This Is Like A Someone And Fried Chicken
Dear Kenondra,
I feel that your advice is awesome. Alice should really use your advice you would be a good friend for her.
Love jairus
Wat up Manny,
Yeah you right she do need some new friends.
Dear Jesse,
Good post. I like how you encouraged her to stay off of drugs. Keep it up!
Your Friend,
Dylan AKA D-Nice
Dear, lance
I totally agree with you with you I mean what was she thinking why turn to drugs and not turn to ya parents and move on with your life and plus her parents aren’t even having a good relationship. And omg yes she was doing so well with her life and plus she really didn’t even need to use drugs to make herself feel better
Sincerely chelly
Dear Donnisha
I agree 100%
Dear Jonah,
I like how you came out talking to Alice.
Dear D-Nice,
I completely agree with you that Alice should stay away from those types of people. Also that drugs are bad for you and that she should keep away from Bill. +Tnx 4 da coment
Rosa H.
Dear dr. manny,
i agree with you. She should fine some better friends. Drugs are not cool at all. peace out manny :)
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