Celebrate your Freedom to Read! That's what Ms. Dygert's 11th Advanced students did on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at the Central Branch of the Onondaga County Public Libraries. After a history lesson from Mrs. LeFever in the practice of banning books, students participated in the Read-A-Thon by selecting and reading passages from books that have been challenged. Students posed questions about banning books below. Add your comments!
Thank you Ms. Dygert for collaborating with us on this activity!!!
These questions were posed by Ms. Dygert's students. Answer one or more by clicking on the comment link below. Don't know an answer? Look it up!
- Why are books that include mature topics (like sex) banned?
- How do you think authors feel when their books are banned?
- Why would you ban a book?
- What are the most commonly banned books?
- How is a book banned?
- Why ban a book for things that are OK to say on TV?
- Can/should we put age limits on books?
- What are the top reasons/topics/elements a book is banned?
- How many books have been banned?
- Why do people bother trying to ban books when they don't stay banned?
- Why are some books banned while others are morally worse and not banned?
- What author has been banned the most?
- How long does it take to ban a book? Unban a book?
- Do you think books should be banned?
- Why should books be banned when they are based on true life?
- Can a book be too detailed for readers? How do you tell an author it is too detailed?
I feel that books should not be band because if the bad things can be on t.v then they should be able to be writen in a book.
i think books that include mature topics like sex are banned because some parents and teachers think kids shouldnt read book containing things as such....but i personaly think that these books are inportant for kids to read because these books usually have a moral and teach a very good lesson
Some reasons why books are band is because they talk to much about sex or killing people and parents just feel that their child should not read it so they should be band.
"How do you think authors feel when their books are banned?"
I believe that authors feel that they have not accomblished much if their book has been bannned.
Some books should be able to have a age group limit because not all books are ok for children who dont understand it. Most books dont need an age group but it is completely understandable to why parents would want heavy mature topics to have an age limit.
If i were and author and my book was banned i would feel a little restricted....i say this because i think a book is and expression of te person who wrote it so when they ban a book its kind of like restricting someones personality
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings was banned because of it's graphic depiction of racism and sex, especially the passages in which she recounts being raped by her mother's boyfriend as an 8-year-old child.
"How do you think authors feel when their books are banned?"
I believe that authors feel that they have not accomblished much if their book has been bannned.
People would band books because they feel that they a re to gruesom and that no child should read things like that.
I dont think books should be banned because there is a reason every book is written and if you ban a book then you are taking away from every person who could have learned a lesson from reading that book
No, I don't think that books should be banned. I think this because people should be able to read whatever they choose to read, whether other people don't like the contents of the book for any reason or not.
Do you think books should be banned?
Response: No, Books should not be banned. Books no matter what content they contain should not be banned because they express the authors feelings and there will always be someone who would enjoy to see the point of view or feelings that someone else cares enough about put into words and publish into a book.
Books are banned because parents do not read the whole book. In most of the challegned books the is only a couple of areas where major serious inapropiate sayings are located. I say in order for a book to be challenged you should read the whole book to understand what is going on.
The most commonly banned books are the books that implement sexual activities, and/or "abnormal" sexualities. Ie: homosexuality, Bi-sexuality, and/or lesbianism. I don't really understand the true and real meaning of why they ban books but it's not fair to fluent and interested readers who love to read all genres and types.
Why do people bother trying to ban books when they don't stay banned?
People try to band books because they feel that the book will never be alowed to be put back out, but they dont understand that they book and be rewriten and still be put back out
I think there should be a age limit on some book topics beacuse this would stop some parents from complaning to the auther and they can complain to there child for reading something they know they shouldnt have been.....
We should but asge limets on books because then perents wont get mad about what thier child is reading. They will not have to wery about their child reading somthing that is not right for thier age level
I Know Why the Caged Bird sings was banned because it was too detailed. It talked about the author being raped when she was younger. It also had swearing in it and the author became a teen mother.
I think that books should NOT be banned, no matter what they are based on. I especially don't think that books should be banned if they are based on real life. I think this because the books that are based on real life, are based on things that are happening everyday in this world. & whether people like it or not, that stuff is STILL going to happen either way. They just want to ban those books because they are AFRAID of those certain things, & they want to try & rid the world of those things, by banning a book. Incredible...
The top reason for a book to be banned is it involves some kind of sexual prefences
"Can/should we put age limits on books?"
I belive that we should put age limits ib books because if we can put age limits and restrictions on movies and video games why not do so with books.
I think people should influence there children to read books about real life because then they could learn many differnt lessons and they can learn that everyone have the same things avalible and not everyone has the same oprotnnities
Q: Can/Should we put an age limit on books?
Response: Yes there is some material that is inappropriate for a certain age but I believe once you hit 15 or 16 your good to go!
Books that include mature content such as sex, drugs, etc... are common targets for banning. These topic strike a nerve in society because though they are facts of life, they are something most people do not talk about outloud. Now the majority of mature people do not mind these subjects because though it strikes a nerve, it is educational and needs to be talked about. The problem is the majority of people are not mature or not comfortable with talking about such topics. As such those people are also against such subjects being in books. Parent are mostly gainst such books because they are trying to protect their children. Somewhere along the way they failed to notice their child grow into a young adult and keep attempting to protect them though these topics need to be discussed with those young adults. What i don't understand is why people are okay with these subjects on TV but not in books. How does that make sense? TV is much worse then books because it is a thousand times more revealing. A pictures worth a thousand words they say. So a TV program is like a 10 book series, right? I think people need to get over the immaturity and just get to the point. There is sex and drugs and violence in the world and if your uncomfortable with it then go back to your own little world and stop acting like morons.
No, I don't think we shouldn't put age limits on books. Some people mature a LOT faster than others do, so they may be not be interested at all in books that are "meant" for their age level. Therefore, they'd be inclined to read "older-suited" books.
A book can be too detailed when the author bores the reader with unnecessary information and pointless dialog.
This subject i do agree with. Most of these banned books are for the age of ten that are about 16 and up. For if a parent gives their child permission to read a book then so be it.
I think books shouldnt be banned. People should be able to read what they like even if it includes sex, drugs,and profanity.
Q:Why ban a book for things that are OK to say on TV?
Response: Personally I think its stupid because with the TV is much easier to tune into something thats wrong and to adult (EX. Family Guy, American Dad, Comedy Central Comedians, Elimadate, etc) [But they are still comically hilarious dont get me wrong but A Homosexual Baby trying to kill a Red headed Southern mother with a crossbow is ok to watch but reading a book with midly adult themes is ok!?!?!?] -sigh- But hey what they do is what they and you know what...YOU CAN GO TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OR ORDER IT OFF THE INTERNET AND GET IT WHETHER THEY WANT YOU TO OR NOT!!!!
Q:Why do people bother to still try and bann a book if it dosent stay banned?
I feel that people still try and bann a book because some people feel the book goes against theor religious beliefs or they dont think the book belongs in a school for kids to read. I think if they bann the book and it dosent stay banned they should just give up and forget about it.
books are banned with the use of sex, drugs, or profanity in the story.
No i feel that books should not be banned because any and everywhere someone is ready and willing to read books that challenge peoples train of thought and maturity.
I'm sure and author whose book has been banned is upset because they spent a lot of time and effort into writing it just to get banned and not be read by anyone.
Q:Why would you bann a book?
Personally i wouldent bann a book because books are supposed to be a form of entertainment. To an extent. But if a book were to be banned by me i would bann it Only If it showed pornographic pictures or Graphic photos of people that are dead or being killed. because I can still understand that thoes dont belong in a book but if it were to be written then it would be fine.
I don't think books should be banned because the literature in these books are a way certain people express themselves.
i think authors feel angry when their books have been banned.
Q:Why are books that include mature topics (like sex) banned?
Response: In the immortal words of (Anonymous) "It depends on what your definition of is is..."
You can see sexual content all the time on TV but you dont see government officials Barging into your house with a baseball bat and going Derek Jeter on your TV because you FAILED to monitor your 13 WATCHING SOME RANDOM ACTORS WITH NAMES THAT SOUND LIKE SOMETHING YOU MIGHT FIND IN A SAD DR.SEUSS BOOKS like [Emo Phillips] GET IT ON! You know what..I think we should ban PARENTS FOR BEING IRRESPONSIBLE! But know if I sent CIA agents to your house to take you away we'd be wrong right...? Of course we are... =/
"Why do people bother trying to ban books when they don't stay banned?"
This is a question I ask myself from time to time. I can't bring myself to understand why people go through the trouble of banning a book when in a few years, it just gets unbanned. I'm pretty sure that most people who are trying to ban books are smart enough to learn from history. The majority of books that have ever been banned through history, have been unbanned at some future point in time or are going to be unbanned soon/eventually. If you can't understand that, then you shouldn't even be trying to ban books at all, and instead, try to read the books you are trying to ban fully and then decide whether or not it's such a bad thing.
"Why would you ban a book?"
I belive that books are banned for there sexual content and adult language. some parents do not like what there kids are reading because it could invlove sex so then they would submit to banning the selected book.
2) I think authors probably feel a mixture of anger and sadness when their books are banned. Books are an authors source of expression and income. Books are ment to be shared with others to show the authors point of view or share a story that usually has a meaning beneath the words/between the lines. To ban a book is to supress an idea or opinion. In America, people have the freedom of speech so in all honesty a book banned in America by an American is a breech in the rights of the person who wrote said book. Also by banning the book you provent that person from making a living. How would you feel if they banned your profession? Exactly. Those who ban should be banned.
i think books should not be banned because the authors worked hard in writing it.
The book "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" was banned because of premarital sex, homosexuality and use of profanity.
"Why would you ban a book?"
The reason people feel the need to ban books, is mostly based on their own beliefs. Some people have beliefs that go against what can be found in some books and since it offends them, they feel the need to remove it from society so that no one that has those beliefs (including themselves) doesn't have to see/read it. This also applies to people who think certain things are inappropriate for others to read, when in reality they aren't.
I think we shouldnt put age limits on books. People that are old enough to choose what books to read should be able to choose what books to read and they shouldnt be denied because of their age.
Q:Why should a book be banned if it is based on real life?
As i said in a previous post. I feel that no book should be banned because it is an exspression of the authors art from and how they feal people should read. Also if a book is based on real life it should be written because it will show other people what kindof messed up things are going on in this world.
Books shouldnt be banned if there based on true life because people should know whats going on in true life.
3) Why would i ban a book? I wouldn't. See my answer to question 2 for details but i think it is unjust and unfair to the author who worked on it. If i don't like it i don't read it, end of story.
books that include mature topics (like sex) are banned because parents and/or adults do not want their children to read about those topics.
Q:Why ban a book for things that are ok to say on T.V?
..... Again when the shows that are on T.V that are a tad bit too mature for a younger audience HAVE A WARNING!!!... Books on the other hand dont. So if u want to ban a book DONT! put a warning on it!...
Also as a way to prevent kids from watching the "shows" that they shouldent They are PUT ON AT NIGHT
When Little kids SHOULD! be asleep. Meaning Make shure Youre Kids under the age of 13 or however u feel young ARE IN BED!
(btw no books should be banned ^^)
"Can/should we put age limits on books?"
Personally, I don't think we should bother with putting age limits on books. Like everything else that has age limits, people would just go around it. Everyone knows by now, how to get around age limits that are placed on things, or know that other people know how to get around them. Because of that, the book's age limits would just become another age limit for people to go around and ignore. In short, an age limit would become pointless soon after it was put in place.
"What are the most commonly banned books?"
I believe that the most commonly banned books are the books that involve sexual content in them
Q:How do you think authors feel when their books are banned?
Response: This is my last rant so I'll try to make this Epic...
They'd probably be upset that someone they dont know says "Hey GUYS!!! I dont Know this guy but y'know what...LETS BAN HIS BOOK!!!!" I mean that person probably took a long time to write that novel and to have it banned is just rude in my belief..
That'd make me a little upset...
(Now the Epic-ness,....hopefully)
(I am replacing all Foul language with the word muffin for the Minors viewing these comments)
I am now going to explain how I would feel about that!
-clears throat-
WHAT!?!?!?! They banned my book because of...WHAT!!!!!! WHAT THE -muffin- WERE THEY DOING!!! I mean THERE ARE SOOOOOO MANY OTHER BOOKS THAT HAVE MORE -muffining- DETAILS THAN ME AND THEY JUS RANDOMLY DECIDE TO BAN MY BOOKS BECAUSE I HAVE A BIT OF -muffining- ADULT THEMES IN HERE!!! CHILDREN ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LEARN WHAT THESE ARE EVENTUALLY!!! Have parents no shame...they dont want there kids to know what or how to DEAL WITH THESE SITUATIONS!!!!! -muffin muffin muffining muffin Muff muff muffiney muff muffing muffin Muff-
-Deep Breaths- OK than...Thank you for your time and cooperation...
I would ban a book If It told lies about me or anyone else dealing with their character, what they do, and some of their past experiences.
I think authors have anger to because they work so hard on thier books and then they are band that sucks
I think censorship should be banned. Censorship just makes children notice the terminology and ruin potentially good projects (books, television shows, movies, etc.) I know when I'm listening to music or watching t.v. and they swear and all i hear is a beep or a skip in the dialog to try and cover a word or phase. I get angry and wanna break stuff (good song btw. good job limp biskit). Things like sex and drugs (and rock n' roll) are just part of life. We should learn to embrace the contraction and properly educate children (who are vulnerable to those subjects and are just more attracted to it because they are hidden from it for most of their lives) about sex, drugs and their effects, ethics, and just how the world works in general. If the next generation is already well informed of the dangers that lie ahead of them, maybe they will be more prepared for life surrounded by those influences. I also just want to say, the school district sucks and the way we educate students needs reform and programs the D.A.R.E. don't help. They're just annoying with hypocritical instructors. I'm not sure how to reform these subjects, but the way we do things now just makes people miserable.
You just had a moment in the mind of Jon.
i think authors feel furious, mad, and very irratated when their books are banned. they might also feel sad.
"Do you think books should be banned?"
Personally no, books shouldn't be banned for any reason. I don't really care what a book is banned for or why people think a book should be banned, it shouldn't be banned. This especially applies to books in the United States. "Freedom of Speech" also applies to written documents, and books count as documents. So even if there is a "good" reason to ban a book, it would be against the law to try and deny an author to say what he/she wrote.
books shouldnt be banned when they are based on true life because people should kno wats goin on in reality.
Q:What are the reasons/topic/elements that a book will be banned?
Books are usualy banned because they talk of drugs, sex, and death. I say To hell with it all. (parden my feelings) You should never ban a book because for one the author took a long time to create that book and 2 KIDS WILL LEARN EVENTUALLY!. i can understand if say a 5 year old stummbles apoun the book and reads it and goes to school and says "i smoke weed and beat my wife" then it will be blamed on the author But Really it should be the parents because they dont watch theor kids well. but yah i got a little off topic so umm the answe is in the 1st 2 or 3 scentances.
Books dealing with sex is banned often because sex is a very touchy topic. Even though sex is natural, people don't like to talk about sex. Especially when parents have to explain it to their kids. That is one of the main reasons books dealing with sex are banned because of parents!
4) What are the most commonly banned books?
The most commonly banned books are books that deal with the topics of sex, drugs, violence, and other such topics. Now i agree some topics are a bit of a sore spot and not something people like to talk about out loud. I personally do not like most books that deal directly with religion, though i make exceptions for really good books such as "The DaVinci Code" or "Angels and Demons". I do not enjoy people trying to force their beliefs on to others though i go by my saying of " If I don't like it, I don't read it". My own beliefs are off the norm and I don't try forcing it on others. But back to the point. Most books are banned for hitting subjects people feel uncomfortable with or dislike talking about.
"I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS" was banned because there was an act of rape on an eight year old.
Q:Why are some books banned while others are morally worse and not banned?
Response: Well you see when you let the WRONG people be in charge of things they make the WRONG decisions and do WRONG stuff and ban the WRONG books because we put the WRONG people in charge so everything is WRONG...Starting to see a pattern here?
You see people deem things wrong because of what they think..BUT WE DIDNT PUT THEM IN THE POSITION THEYRE IN TO THINK!!! WE PUT THEM THERE TO DO THEIR JOB! And when you fail at your job you know what we do? NO we dont sick the dogs on them...NO we DONT SEND DEREK JETER!!! We give them the boot...and In the boot it says.."YOU FIRED! PACK YOUR CRAP and...Please leave and dont let the DOOR hit your -muffining- Head on the way out!"...But y'know the Dogs might work to =D
I fully agree with Jinnah C. on "Books dealing with sex is banned often because sex is a very touchy topic. Even though sex is natural, people don't like to talk about sex. Especially when parents have to explain it to their kids. That is one of the main reasons books dealing with sex are banned because of parents!". Uncomfortable subjects are often the first to be banned and parents always dread "the talk" and kids also don't want to go over it. So books on such subjects are prone to criticism.
We dont't need age groups. If your parents allow you to read different types of literature, then so be It. Their are age groups on products now and people disobey the age restrictions anyway!If you can read,read it. If you can't, you can't
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings was banned because it talked about the author being raped by her mom's friend when she was young and it also talked about her becoming a teenage mother.
Can/should we put age limits on books?
Yes I think that books should have an age limit on certain books.Some books are not meant for every age.The books the contain sex, violence, and drugs should have age limits on them.
Do you think books should be banned?
No I don't think books should be banned. I just think that there should be a rating on them like they have on movies.
What are the most commonly banned books?
Books that are commonly banned are books that have sex, violence, and bad language.
How do you think authors feel when their books are banned?
I think authors become mad. I no I would become mad if they banned my book and they have books out that are way worst.
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