Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Reading

Happy summer vacation!

A bit of exercise will keep your brain in great shape for the new season of learning that kicks off in September! What better to train your brain than a good book?

We bought the book for you, now all you have to do is pick it up so you can start exercising (a.k.a. reading and discussing)! For now we will use this blog as our means of communicating. Soon enough, we will have other activities in which you should participate as well, so check back here often for more details!

Freshmen - Entering 9th graders will receive a copy of Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson during UTC this July. Check out the details about this book on Anderson's Web site!

Students entering grades 10-12 will need to stop by the ITC office at 258 East Adams Street (435-4300) to pick up a copy of the assigned reading as follows:

Sophomores - Students entering 10th grade will be reading A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah. Check out the Web site for this book!

Juniors - Our newly promoted eleventh graders will read Unwind by Neal Shusterman. Shusterman has a great site that even includes a fanmade trailer!

- ITC's first ever 12th grade class will read State of Fear by Michael Crichton. More details can be found on the official Crichton site!

Be prepared to provide a reflection about the book to your Humanities (ELA/SS) teachers during the first days back from summer vacation in September!!

Questions? Click the comment link below this post. Then check back in a few days for a response. Happy summer vacation and happy reading!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Humanities Independent Assignment 2

Role – movie/book critic
Audience – blog-reading high school students
Format – movie/review review
Task – to critique one movie and one book
Due Date: June 14, 2010

Part I: You are a movie critic. Your editor asked you to review a film that high school students could watch to deepen their understanding of US History. Research movies about 20th - 21st Century (1900+)life in the United States. Watch your selected movie. Write a movie review in which you:
Paragraph 1 – summarize the movie
Paragraph 2 – critique the movie
Paragraph 3 – evaluate the use of the movie as part of a US History course
Post your movie review to the ITC Library blog via the comment link below. Mrs. LeFever will demonstrate how to correctly post to the blog.

Internet Movie Database

Part II: You are a book critic. Your editor asked you to review a book that high school students could read to deepen their understanding of US History. Research books about life in the United States during the 20th - 21st Century (1900+). Read your selected book. Write a book review in which you:

Paragraph 1 – summarize the book
Paragraph 2 – critique the book
Paragraph 3 – evaluate the use of the book as part of a US History course

Post your book review to the ITC Library blog via the comment link below. Mrs. LeFever will demonstrate how to correctly post to the blog.

SCSD Catalog (includes reviews)

**Note: It is a good idea to type your movie/book reviews in word document to make use of the spelling & grammar review tool before posting. Then all you will need to do is copy and paste your reviews to post them to the blog. This also avoids any unnecessary loss of your work if there is a technical difficulty while you are posting to the blog.

Each review posting should include:
1. Title of the movie/book all in CAPS
2. List the director/author
3. Three paragraph review per the directions
4. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure - no “texting” language

Grading Criteria:
Writing Mechanics
Creativity/authenticity in embracing RAFT format
Media Literacy (accessed books/movies; correctly posted review)