Web 2.0 Tools for InquiryI have developed a virtual professional development opportunity for all you. The topic of the module is Inquiry and Web 2.0 Tool Integration, and I believe it has something that could benefit everyone, especially as we continue to move towards technology-rich project-based instruction. The module is an overview of Web 2.0 Tools I have found to be most beneficial in classroom instruction including tips on selection and integration. If you would like to be paid for your participation in the learning module, please follow these directions:
1. Email me (llefever@scsd.us) to let me know your planned level of participation:
Level 1 - View the 30 minute tutorial and complete a 10 question reflection/feedback survey
Level 2 - Level 1, plus creation and submission of a lesson plan/project overview that incorporates one or more of the technologies listed (or similar technologies) by June 18, 2010
2. View the module at the following link:
Web 2.0 Module A. When you open the PPT, make sure to ENABLE MACROS in the security window.
B. Play the slideshow from the beginning in full screen mode to hear the narration.
C. Video links will open in an internet browser window. Login to the filter with your district username/password.
D. When videos end, return to the PPT via your status bar or dock, and move to the next slide.
3. Complete the survey linked on the last slide of the PPT. You must complete all 10 questions for PD time.
4. Email me to let me know you have completed the module and survey. I will have you fill out a time card at this point.
5. If you choose to complete level 2, email me your lesson by June 18, 2010 at which point I will have you fill out another time card. If you need any help working on the lesson, let me know, and we will schedule a collaboration session.
Classroom 2.0 WebinarsI emailed you a list of Webinars available this coming week. I have often found the offerings from Classroom 2.0 to be enlightening. You will have to register for an account to participate, but membership is free. I also extend you the opportunity to earn an hour paid PD time for each you complete. Simply sign-up, participate and reflect by posting your answers to the following questions to the library blog via the comment link below.
1. Summarize the Webinar. What was it about?
2. Discuss how information in the Webinar will affect your instruction.
3. Share any "aha" moments you had during the Webinar.
4. What questions/needs did this Webinar bring to mind?
5. What else?
Please see me if you have any questions at any time. I would be glad to help.